New Release Available Now

The Rise and Fall of the Techno-Messiah:
Technology and the End Times

The Rise and Fall of the Techno-Messiah is an insightful perspective on the impact of the technological revolution on humanity and the terrible effect of scientists playing God.  This work tackles the multifaceted world of Artificial Intelligence (AI), algorithms, and eugenics. Most significantly, The Rise and Fall of the Techno-Messiah critically examines the implications technology will have on racial disparities in health, economics, jobs, and other critical segments of the global society.

Within This Book:

  •  Examines why current efforts to tame rogue AI and technology will fail if God is excluded from the shift to an emerging machine-human culture as well as the consequences of humanly-created robots replacing authentic God-created humans.

  • Offers a dynamic inspection of how technology’s replacement of millions of jobs creates a human junk pile for those unenhanced or unprepared to thrive on the digital frontier and how biased algorithms do social and cultural harm.

  • Highlights how idol worship, new godless religions, and fabricated religious figures are bringing us closer to the rise of false gods, including a Techno-Messiah.

  • Sheds light on the imperative for oversight and ethical development needed to control the tragedy ahead from technology speeding along without the divine counsel and guidance of God.